The Research Backed Best Practices For Redesigning Work To Be More Flexible, Inclusive, and Connected With Brian Elliot


There IS a revolution happening in the workplace. A new dawn for how, where, and when we engage with this major component of our life called work. In the aftermath of the pandemic experience organizations around the world were forced to innovate the age-old construct of the typical 9-5 office work week. For some, they thrived and others (as we're witnessing the backlashes of today) have struggled to find the delicate, yet ironically simple solutions to empower people and redefine how work gets done at scale. We're inside a major paradigm shift that's calling for leaders to reimagine the relics of old and create a future where people can do the best work of their lives (in and out of the office).

Today we're thrilled to share the mic with Brian Elliot, who sees a Future of Work that inspires us and many others. He's spent three decades leading teams and building companies as a startup CEO, at Google, and at Slack where he was Senior VP. Brian also is the author of "How The Future Works". A blueprint for using flexible work to unlock the potential of your people, and championing the new age belief that by letting go, leaders and companies will get more back than they ever thought possible.

If you're a leader at any level, at any organization, thinking about important topics like burnout, employee well-being, diversity, hybrid and remote work, there is a wealth of knowledge dropped in this 45min episode with the research backed best practices for redesigning work to be more flexible, inclusive, and connected.


Brian Elliot is an Advisor, Speaker, Builder, Best-Selling Author, Co-founder of Future Forum and former Exec at Slack & Google. He has spent three decades leading teams and building companies as a startup CEO, as a product leader at Google, and now at Slack where he is a Senior VP. Brian started his career at Boston Consulting Group, and earned his MBA from Harvard Business School. His work has been published in Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and the Economist, and he is co-author of How The Future Works: Leading Flexible Teams to Do the Best Work of Their Lives. Brian is a proud father of two young men.



Future Forum:

The Book:



How To Bring Your Awareness To Form: The Heartbeat Of Intentional Living


The Way of the Essentialist: The Disciplined Pursuit of Doing Less